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The American Alphabet
Ais for the austere American dream | Bis for beauty, betrayal bygone | Cis for ceremonials, celebrities, & crude consciousness |
Dis for deception, dire desire, & drama | Eis for the enigmatic, egotistical effigies | Fis for fame |
Gis for the game-changer, glamour, glory, & gold | His for honesty, honour, & hostility | Iis for impossible love, integrity |
Jis for jazz-jealousy | Kis for the killer kisses | Lis for love, loss, & longing |
Mis for m-m-money | Nis for notorious notaries | Ois for oligarchy |
Pis for power, perfection, & prowess | Qis for questionable qualities | Ris for return respect |
Sis for the salacious silver-screen | Tis for trust, treason-traditions | Uis for unnerving utopia |
Vthe virtuous victims | Ware the wondrous women, wholesome & woeful | Xis for xenophobia |
Ythe youthful yearning | Zis for the zealots |
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